Universities have been instructed to teach, “colonialism”, “white supremacy” and “class division” by the body that recommends degree content, the Quality Assurance Agency.
In one instance, the QAA has informed universities that computing classes should discuss, “how divisions and hierarchies of colonial value are replicated and reinforced” within the course. Geography lectures should recognise “racism, classism, ableism, homophobia and patriarchy,” further guidance suggests.
In the meantime, the QAA suggested that maths curriculums, “should present a multicultural and decolonised view of mathematics, statistics and operational research, informed by the student voice” and economics students should learn that it is, “still predominantly a white, male and western field.”
Chris McGovern, of the Campaign for Real Education said, “It’s alarming. Campuses are being ordered to go woke. This QAA enforcement of anti – white and anti – western racial hatred and division is iniquitous. It will undermine racial integration in our country and breed either resentment or self – loathing.”
The QAA defines itself as an independent organisation, “trusted by higher education providers and regulatory bodies to maintain and enhance quality and standards.” More than 300 British universities and higher education providers pay membership fees to the QAA.
A QAA representative stated, “Subject benchmark statements do not mandate set approaches to teaching, learning or assessment. They are created by the subject communities for the subject communities, to be used as a tool for reflection when designing new courses or updating existing courses.”
Further comment was added, “It’s up to the individual academics and their departments whether or how closely they follow this guidance. The subject benchmark statement activity sits within the QAA’s role as a membership organisation and is separate from our role as designated quality body.”