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The Children and Families Act (2014) specifies that an EHCP (Education health and care plan) can be made for young people with special educational needs up to the age of 25, although this does exclude university education.
There is some confusion regarding the transitional arrangements when it comes to changing from a Statement of Special Educational Needs to an EHCP. This is due to the complexities that come from considering the people who are already being provided for by a Statement, when transitioning from one statutory system to another.
In 2012 alone, 29,565 children were assessed for a Statement, with 28,635 being issued with a Statement for the first time and approximately 250,000 children receive support through their Statement.
EHCP transition review
The Government has confirmed that a transfer review will take place, in the same form as an Annual Education Review. However, an EHC Needs Assessment should still be conducted in agreement with the regulations. The review should specify the educational provision required to support the child and produce objectives to be established for the EHCP.